Have you ever done something that you really wished you hadn't?
Well, I have my struggles.. But I know that God is forgiving, and I should strive to be the best I can be. Have you ever realized that calling people something other than their name (in a mean way) could seriously be considered a sin... You are not loving your neighbor when you do that. Also, is peer pressure worth it to people who love God? What is there to prove? NOTHING. God is all that ever matters, so why try to impress anyone? Be who you are, and don't care what anyone thinks...... You are God's. He has made you with your own personality. LIVE IT.
God has called me, and to jeopardize that just to show off.... Hmm.... Seems pointless..... Live as Christ has called you to. I am to be so many things, and blow the world away for Christ, but have I lost sight of what it is I am living for? Has the fire dwindled? The fire is strong, and shall not die. I pray that God would ignite flames into the hearts of His believers.... None of this carnal crap. What are these people who say they love God and they act different in church, and in the rest of their life. I hate the Christians who say that someone is a Christian becuz they believe in God. If your fruit does not show Christ, then what ARE you showing? AND if your lifestyle does not show Christ, then don't you DARE insult His name by calling yourself His follower. Would Christ make it a habit to swear in His daily life, when He would know that people see it as bad? I think not. Would Christ call anyone names? I don't think so. I think we all need to just get a little reality check, and see if we are truly serving Christ, or if we are simply selfish and want to make heaven... If it's just to make heaven, and you are a selfish Christian, I promise you, you will BARELY get in. Wouldn't you rather do something for God so when you reach heaven He says "Well done my good and faithful servant"? All of life is to Him. All praise, every breath, should be as praise to Him. The motive of the heart is the issue here. I am included in this. HELLO! Wake up... I call myself a Christian... But am I continuously trying to be Christ to the nation, or am I just insulting Christ by keeping a label that I'm not serious about? If I'm not serious, it would be better if I would rather call myself a heathen than to insult the God of the universe by calling myself a Christian.
Well, I should really be a preacher. Hehe.