I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Sunday, September 05, 2004


So.... I get to lunch today with my grandparents, parents and a bunch of aunts and uncles, and they all start grilling me about who Tim is and what he plans on doing with his life... hahahaha. The poor kid..... He's stuck with me now......Well, at least for the most part. .... They are all depending on him to marry me now... I feel kinda bad... My family likes to jump to conclusions. I am so worried that I am ruining him...... My insecurities overwhelm me sometimes...... Why can't I just chill out.... UGHHHH......... So all I have been doing is spending time with God, working, singing, going to Duluth to see Tim, and maybe a little sleep here and there....... I really enjoy being busy, but, not so busy that I can't find any time to think.... That kinda stinks when it gets that busy. I have never known anyone that truly wants to be with me.... Just, be with me.. no hidden motive, too high expectations... I am almost waiting for things to just crash and burn..... And I am really scared that they are gonna. But, anyways, enough about my insecurities.... No, you know, do you ever feel like all you do is talk about serious things? But you know that they need to be talked about.. and you want to talk about them, but at the same time you don't? Well, goodness.. That just made TONS of sense.


Blogger East said...

Hello Jo!

haha... Musn't worry about such things! It will all turn out how it supposed to. Just have faith in where God is leading your life. Because things aren't going to crash and burn. :-D

That did make tons of sense!


5:54 PM

Blogger SuperStar said...

hey... thanks you...... I suppose I can trust you.

2:24 PM


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