I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Nothing Without Him

John 15:5
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing."
We are renewed day by day by making progress in our righteousness and true holiness through the knowledge of God. For those who do so transfer their love from temporal things to eternal things, from visible thing sto invisble things, from fleshly things to spiritual things... They do this is proportion to their help from God. For God said, "Without me ye can do nothing." When the last day of life finds them holding on tightly to their faith in the Mediator through such progress and growth, they will be welcomed by the holy angels. They will be led to God, whom they have worshiped, and will be perfected by Him. As a result, they will receive an immortal body at the end of the world. They won't be led to punishment, but to GLOW. For our likeness of God will be perfected into His image when our sight of God is perfected.
- Augustine
(Italics added)

My Princess... I love you beyond description.
There are no words to describe how much I love you. That is why I stretched out My arms of love and died for you. I know sometimes you don't feel lovable, but you don't have to earn My affection. I adore you. You are My creation. I never want you to doubt My commitment to you.
I am the Lover of your soul, so let Me meet your every need. I long to sete you free from searching for false love in the wrong places. Let Me hold on to your heart and fill you up with eternal love. Then you will feel MY Holy presence and fall in love with Me.
Your God and King who can't, and WON'T stop loving you.

Scripture Test

This morning, I woke up for a scripture test. A scripture test THAT WAS NEVER SCHEDULED! Talk about tired. Man! I need more sleep. But, because I thought there was a scripture test, I lost about an hour.Bummer. Hahhaha. Kinda funny though if you think about it.
One of my home group boys has had a really sorry attitude lately. I don't know what his deal is. Last night, I sat him down to talk to him about it... and he proceeded to say he hated Rachel and I, and he was never coming to home group again. It really made me realize how much of a moron I was in Jr. High. I had such an attitude. Well, you reep what you sow.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Today, I was nonchalantly working at Microsoft, guilding people through the lunchline doors to the atrium ahead. Suddenly, I looked up just in time to see my cousin walking right past me! UM! HI! Hahaha! It was really strange but SO COOL to see him! I don't get to see family very much, so even though he lives only four hours away, the fact that I saw him was oh so refreshing! It totally made my day! He took pictures to send to our family and grandma! hahaha! It was a blast! God blessed me today. It was one of His heavenly kisses.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Man.. I have been working Microsoft conferences the past couple of days, and let me tell you.. It is draining. We are running around doing stuff for a bunch of the last generation's nerds! But, it keeps tuition down... I'm super tired, and a little sick, but I almost expected that. Anyways... I have met some really cool new people, and that's always fun. All of you who really know me know that I LOVE new people. Hahaha. Anyways, I thought I would just drop a note. I got a stronger prescription of contacts today.. Hopefully they will work better than my other ones. The eye doctor says I have a stigmitism. Dang. That stinks. Oh well!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Amber Shain

Sigh. I have been trying to get a hold of Amber Shain lately.. And she just doesn't answer her phone.. That is OK though. I probably call her while she's in class or something... Hahaha. That reminds me, where has bscip been? Hm.. Random thoughts.. Sorry!
My room mates just got back from Guatemala! They said it was a blast! They brought me back a necklace and a bracelet! Aren't they sweet????????? Yes! It was cool!
I have had such good days lately. I haven't really slept in four days, but hey, that's ok. I got to rest anyways.
But, that's all for my pathetic post right now.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Falling In Love With Jesus

Last night I finished the book I have been reading for the past month. It was really good. For the rest of my life I want to remember this constant dance with Jesus. Having His arms wrapped around me, knowing that I never need to be afraid because He is my protector. When principalities sneer in my face, Jesus says, "Say what you will, for she is my Beloved." When's the last time you let Jesus dance with you? Surrender your life up to Him, and let Him romance you.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been so long! Here is a better update!
I just got back from Mardi Gras! God really used me alot there. We were on the streets witnessing for three days, and doing Hurricane relief work one day also.
It was tiring, and I only got five hours of sleep a night, and that was at MAX. But, It was so awesome to see God work.
We also were challenged to let God move through us in the prophetic, and also in our prayer life. It was really cool! God showed up in our worship services, and moved in everyone of our lives. I'll never be the same. If you want to know more about that, feel free to email me.. I'll let you know it ALL!
I got pulled over the other day for a broken tail light, and the police officer thought I had stolen the car! So, for like, a half an hour I sat while the cop sent countless scans and kept asking me "Ma'am are you SURE this is your car?" But, he wasn't nice about it. I got a warning ticket about my tail light, and a lot of wasted time because he didn't believe it was my car. Here every body has a nice car.. even college students. I wanted to let the police man know that in Minnesota, college students DON"T have nice cars. LOL. IT was crazy.
But, I'm over it...
Um, also, I have just continued working with the youth ministry here, and loving every minute of it.
Amber Shain (one of my friend’s from Minnesota) came to see me over spring break! We had so much fun! She blessed my life so much just by being here. She wrote me an email telling me that she owe’s me. I think NOT ! I TOTALLY owe her so much more! She is SUCH a blessing!
I took her down town Dallas, and showed her my favorite spots in Dallas. We ran around just having fun and laughing. She does a lot of making fun of the things people say down here. Like, “Um, like, HI!”
This summer I will be heading to Minnesota to work for my tuition money for next year. As soon as I have the money I need for tuition, I will be heading back to Texas for the rest of the summer to continue to help with the youth, and I will be also taking a trip to Louisiana in July I think. We will see what God does.
Pray that I get a new car, because I will be needing one of those as well.
The day after Amber left, I slept in my own bed. It is on the top bunk. My room mate let me sleep on her bed (a single bed) while Amber was here. Normally, when getting off of my room mate’s bed, I would crawl to the edge, stand on the bed post, and hop off. No big deal right? Well, the first night I was back in my bed, I forgot that I was on the top bunk, crawled over to the edge, stood on the bed post, and jumped off. Imagine my surprise as I landed in a heap on the floor. I thought to myself, “Why did it take me so long to hit the floor?” I then realized I had jumped off the top bunk. My room is pitch black. You can’t see anything. That is why I so naively just jumped off without looking. Ha ha ha! My room mate turned on the light, to find me in a bundle on the floor. She looked at me, laughed and said, “what happened to you?” I then told her.
I have a scrape on my arm and bruises in other various areas from it. Pretty fun, huh? I thought it was funny. Comedy relief.
That’s all for now! I hope you all are well!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Trips down memory lane

OK! AMBER SHAIN IS AMAZING! I'm so glad she is here!
She makes me laugh..... I'm glad she likes everyone here as well!
I'm taking her to a (whispers) secret place! (whispers) It's gonna fun! I can't wait!
We shall see! Gotta go run to movie store for SEVEN!