I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Alright everybody. It's my last night, and I'm sitting here with Brooke Devine. I have a few personal notes for each person. If you aren't on the list, I'm sorry I have forgotten you.
Farewell to you all, and I love you. I'll see you guys at Christmas

Chelsea: All I have to say is, you are hott, and don't ever stop.

Brooke: You are my love. I will miss you, and, I want that real bad.

Amber: Dude, you have gone before me. I know how the pain will be real, and is real for us both. I know we will make it. I miss you, and I know that God's doing big things in you. Hang in there.

Molly Flynn: Keep up the Instagators.

Chris: The purple dress looks good on you. ;) I love you Sabrina. Never lose your humor, and stick with Jesus, He's the coolest.

Jac-Atac: My best friend, what will I do without you? Please, stay just like you are. I told a certain someone to take care of you for me. I'm sure he will. If you need me, I am only a phone call away. I love you.

Mrs. Williamson: Some days have been rough for the two of us, but you are a compassionate heart. Thank you for being who you are.

Al: Ha, hey dad, you rock my world. I'll miss you.... and I know I bring this up alot, but, I really did love dancing with you. Keep that humor.

Jason: MCDONALD'S SUX! LOL. Let GOd continue to change your life. I want to see lots of progress when I come home. OH, and You're HOTT!

Tim: You are my better half. I will miss you the most of all. I love you. I'll see ya when I get back. Hang in there. Your sister is almost as good, right?

Thanks everybody!

Saturday, August 27, 2005


So, this is the best picture ever taken, thanks to Robin Unger.
All of my camp glory can be summed up in this one picture. LOL. I just thought I would share this with all of you.

I leave Tuesday for Master's Commission.. I will miss you all, and will love to have your prayers and support. Thanks again.
Love you all.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

For All The Ladies...

Here's all the rave, what everyone has been talking about! The one, the only, JASON!

Just checking to see if I can actually get this picture thing to work...
YOu know I love you Jason......
Thanks Amber Shain!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

To bless Amber

Amber! (And everyone else interested)
Ok. So, this is the funniest thing, and I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants, and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. ( At least since camp) Amber, you are the only person who can appreciate and understand this, and you probably already heard.
Molly Flynn was opening her preasants Tuesday, and I hear Steph say "careful with that one Molly" as Molly pulls a fish out of the bag... I INSTANTLY bust o ut laughing.. LOL. I almost fell to the ground... Molly was laughing too... as all I can repeatedly say is, "put on a dry surface, if it flops, dont worry, its just adjusting." LOL.
That's all for you Amber.
Kudos to the lovely one.
Steph is a LIttle Marshmallow.

Friday, August 19, 2005


All my plans for Master's are going well.
I'm running around trying to get packed, and trying to see everyone I need to see and get everything done that needs to get done... Who knew it could be so crazy????

ANyways, So! Ms. B. stopped at my house the other day.....
For all of you who don't know, a couple of girls and I had a special drawer in Ms. B's desk that we kept goodies in ( something sweet, something salty, lotion, tic-tacs, gum, etc.) and when she came, she brought me a "care package" that had all of the items that we used to have in her desk drawer! It was very sweet!
She then went on to tell me of her plans for next year.... She had applied at a bunch of different places, and had ended up getting a job at NERCC (A juvenile correctional facility in Duluth) as an English teacher. So, she was minding her own business getting ready to do that, and God just opened the door for her to stay in Hibbing! The HCC called her to let her know of an English opening they have! It was super cool.! So, she gets to stay in Hibbing, and teach the students she loves.... Cool huh?
Anyways, that's my cool story for now, I hope some of you read this!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I want that real bad.

hopefully this works.

For all you ladies out there........

Anyways... Life has been extremely crazy! I went to camp, and then I found out that I leave two weeks from Teusday for Dallas Texas.......
Well, I can't talk right now becuz I have MOlly Flynn and the Instagators over, but I will chat later...
I know, I know, promises, promises... but no, Seriously.