I have been SOOOO busy! I am done with school after tomorrow, and life is as busy as it could be. I have found that most of my friends do not like me, or so it seems... So, I have just been haning out with Jac-Atac lately. I hope she isn't getting sick of me.. Sometimes I think so. I wish to only be a blessing to her.. I suppose I shouldn't write my thoughts in a blog that she reads huh? lol. oh well. ;)
I'm so excited for graduation! For all of you reading that I haven't sent a grad announcement to, Come to MY grad party! it's JUNE 11th from 3-6.
Well, I spent the weekend with Tim in Duluth. That was alot of fun. You know, I really wish I could get out of this town and just stay there... Well, only three more months or so and then I'm off to Texas. Sigh. That will be nice.
That's all for now