I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I have been SOOOO busy! I am done with school after tomorrow, and life is as busy as it could be. I have found that most of my friends do not like me, or so it seems... So, I have just been haning out with Jac-Atac lately. I hope she isn't getting sick of me.. Sometimes I think so. I wish to only be a blessing to her.. I suppose I shouldn't write my thoughts in a blog that she reads huh? lol. oh well. ;)
I'm so excited for graduation! For all of you reading that I haven't sent a grad announcement to, Come to MY grad party! it's JUNE 11th from 3-6.
Well, I spent the weekend with Tim in Duluth. That was alot of fun. You know, I really wish I could get out of this town and just stay there... Well, only three more months or so and then I'm off to Texas. Sigh. That will be nice.
That's all for now

Sunday, May 22, 2005


So! Master's called, and they are finally sending me my information packet! Yay! I also get a free T-Shirt with it! Cool Cool! God has been so faithful!
Getting me a raise and everything to continue to bring me closer to my goal!
Also, I finally have my keys to the Coffee house. Some Fridays I will be opening and closing the coffee house. That is our college group at the church. God has just been so faithful in giving me a leadership position. I am so thankful!
Life has had its ups and downs, but I know God is in control.
While I am away at Master's Commission, I will be doing most of my updating on this blog rather than sending out mass emails. At least, that's my guess as to what I'm doing.
Anyways, for now, that's about all.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Senior Slide.

Now that the research paper is turned in, there is a new sense of freedom in the senior hallways.
No longer is there any stresses for the seniors who will be done in 10 days! Well, except for the history classes... If you are in Econ, you have a stock portfolio and a final, and if you are in Anthro, like me, you have a HUGE final. But, other than that, school as we k now it has become a relaxing experience of sorts. Wonderful...
Inhale the glorious freedom.
We also get year books today. Woot.

Friday, May 13, 2005

(Chickens and Grasshoppers.)

SO! My whole paper is due on MONDAY!! I'm going crazy! At least I got my rough draft done on time.. But, the actual paper? Highly unlikely. There are so many things to correct, and only three days to do it.. PLUS they are jam packed days... ANyone who reads this should call me, and not let me do anything but my research paper when I'm home... Nor let me do anything fun. (Except Rustproof.) Saturday, I should work on my research paper all night.. but I know... I'm not gonna want to.. But I GOTTA!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I have the rough draft of my research paper due tomorrow!!!! SEVEN PAGES! Don't ask me why I'm on here... I should be typing... I don't think I'm going to get it done... But, I will... YES. I WILL GET IT DONE TODAY. I will be fine... Just a little self motivation.
Anyways, Life can somtimes be really tough... I am feeling the sways of the wind right now... It seems as though all is trying to sway me. I will persevere.
As King Claudius said, "When sorrows come, they come not in single spies, but in battalions."

Friday, May 06, 2005


SO! I am writing to let you all kn ow that I am headed to Dallas, TX for school! I got accepted on Monday! To go where God leads me! WOO HOO. While there are some down sides to going, I know that God will take care of everything I need. Financially, I have to raise $8,000 in 4 months... I am excited to see how God is going to provide that one. Anyways, that is all for now.