I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Senior Slide.

Now that the research paper is turned in, there is a new sense of freedom in the senior hallways.
No longer is there any stresses for the seniors who will be done in 10 days! Well, except for the history classes... If you are in Econ, you have a stock portfolio and a final, and if you are in Anthro, like me, you have a HUGE final. But, other than that, school as we k now it has become a relaxing experience of sorts. Wonderful...
Inhale the glorious freedom.
We also get year books today. Woot.


Blogger East said...


Glad that things have eased up a bit.

How is the year book this year?

Love Ya!

8:50 AM


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