I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been so long! Here is a better update!
I just got back from Mardi Gras! God really used me alot there. We were on the streets witnessing for three days, and doing Hurricane relief work one day also.
It was tiring, and I only got five hours of sleep a night, and that was at MAX. But, It was so awesome to see God work.
We also were challenged to let God move through us in the prophetic, and also in our prayer life. It was really cool! God showed up in our worship services, and moved in everyone of our lives. I'll never be the same. If you want to know more about that, feel free to email me.. I'll let you know it ALL!
I got pulled over the other day for a broken tail light, and the police officer thought I had stolen the car! So, for like, a half an hour I sat while the cop sent countless scans and kept asking me "Ma'am are you SURE this is your car?" But, he wasn't nice about it. I got a warning ticket about my tail light, and a lot of wasted time because he didn't believe it was my car. Here every body has a nice car.. even college students. I wanted to let the police man know that in Minnesota, college students DON"T have nice cars. LOL. IT was crazy.
But, I'm over it...
Um, also, I have just continued working with the youth ministry here, and loving every minute of it.
Amber Shain (one of my friend’s from Minnesota) came to see me over spring break! We had so much fun! She blessed my life so much just by being here. She wrote me an email telling me that she owe’s me. I think NOT ! I TOTALLY owe her so much more! She is SUCH a blessing!
I took her down town Dallas, and showed her my favorite spots in Dallas. We ran around just having fun and laughing. She does a lot of making fun of the things people say down here. Like, “Um, like, HI!”
This summer I will be heading to Minnesota to work for my tuition money for next year. As soon as I have the money I need for tuition, I will be heading back to Texas for the rest of the summer to continue to help with the youth, and I will be also taking a trip to Louisiana in July I think. We will see what God does.
Pray that I get a new car, because I will be needing one of those as well.
The day after Amber left, I slept in my own bed. It is on the top bunk. My room mate let me sleep on her bed (a single bed) while Amber was here. Normally, when getting off of my room mate’s bed, I would crawl to the edge, stand on the bed post, and hop off. No big deal right? Well, the first night I was back in my bed, I forgot that I was on the top bunk, crawled over to the edge, stood on the bed post, and jumped off. Imagine my surprise as I landed in a heap on the floor. I thought to myself, “Why did it take me so long to hit the floor?” I then realized I had jumped off the top bunk. My room is pitch black. You can’t see anything. That is why I so naively just jumped off without looking. Ha ha ha! My room mate turned on the light, to find me in a bundle on the floor. She looked at me, laughed and said, “what happened to you?” I then told her.
I have a scrape on my arm and bruises in other various areas from it. Pretty fun, huh? I thought it was funny. Comedy relief.
That’s all for now! I hope you all are well!


Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Not exactly well..
But I am somehow managing to remain glued together.

5:35 PM

Blogger Shainerz said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU once again for letting me come down & bug ya! :D

I laughed SO hard after reading your story about jumping off the top bunk. I can just picture one of your roommates saying "What happened to you?" LOL.
I hope you're okay though! You're lucky you didn't jump on the dresser or something.

Hey i am soooo glad that you'll be coming back at least for a little bit! Glad it works out to be both here and there this summer!

You are awesome. Must I say more??

P.S. Our pic looks 'real cute' in the frame I bought! I chose the one of us at dinner :)

YAY! view my blog for more picture updates. And yes, I did get your mass email and was happy to see that you added me in it :o)

8:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!! Glad to hear Mardi Gras went well...

Where on earth are you working in northern MN to make $$? I used to stay at school for the summers in order to make a real living!

11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hola chica!

Just wanted to say hello since i always seem to miss your calls. And i So told you i was going to Vegas/California! But anywho, keep on calling cuz i miss you like i miss being three!


p.s. i forgot to tell you awhile ago that someone paid off some of your cell phone bill. I think it was 100 or so, and they are going to try and pay the rest off soon so you can get it back. Did you even notice?

4:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Workin' in da mines!!!

Just don't watch "North Country" before you start work, lol...you might get scared :o).

6:56 AM


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