Nothing Without Him
John 15:5
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing."
We are renewed day by day by making progress in our righteousness and true holiness through the knowledge of God. For those who do so transfer their love from temporal things to eternal things, from visible thing sto invisble things, from fleshly things to spiritual things... They do this is proportion to their help from God. For God said, "Without me ye can do nothing." When the last day of life finds them holding on tightly to their faith in the Mediator through such progress and growth, they will be welcomed by the holy angels. They will be led to God, whom they have worshiped, and will be perfected by Him. As a result, they will receive an immortal body at the end of the world. They won't be led to punishment, but to GLOW. For our likeness of God will be perfected into His image when our sight of God is perfected.
- Augustine
(Italics added)
My Princess... I love you beyond description.
There are no words to describe how much I love you. That is why I stretched out My arms of love and died for you. I know sometimes you don't feel lovable, but you don't have to earn My affection. I adore you. You are My creation. I never want you to doubt My commitment to you.
I am the Lover of your soul, so let Me meet your every need. I long to sete you free from searching for false love in the wrong places. Let Me hold on to your heart and fill you up with eternal love. Then you will feel MY Holy presence and fall in love with Me.
Your God and King who can't, and WON'T stop loving you.