For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset, and the baths of all the western stars. And it may be the gulfs will w ash us down; and it may be we shall touch the Happy Isles and see the Great Achilleus whom we knew. Though much was taken, much abides, and though we are not that strength that in the old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are we are-
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek to find, and not to yeild.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
I am totally loving College Prep reading. It really is opening my eyes to new things.... Including memorizing poems like this. Aaron Reini should be totally proud. Although, I don't know if he will ever check my blog again........ Alas.
My mom has the flu, and my dad says I am running away by going where God wants me to go... I don't know why he thinks I'm running away, but, it really hurts that he doesn't just support me in the things I am doing. SIgh... Well, I suppose it's just another thing I'm just gonna have to deal with.