I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


The eyes close, and the drool runs out, and the body shuts down, and the thoughts of the day cease to exist. The wonderful refuge in sleep can only be bettered by one thing, and that is God's hiding place, His arms.
Yawn... I'm really tired right now. There is no way to describe it. I worked till one int he morning last night, and I had to get up this morning at 7 30 for work......... Again. And now I have to walk home in the f-f-f-reezing cold.
Dude. There is this song on a CD.... I sang it in choir last year.. Woah.. It totally sounds like my choir.
Gotta go.


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