I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Alright everybody. It's my last night, and I'm sitting here with Brooke Devine. I have a few personal notes for each person. If you aren't on the list, I'm sorry I have forgotten you.
Farewell to you all, and I love you. I'll see you guys at Christmas

Chelsea: All I have to say is, you are hott, and don't ever stop.

Brooke: You are my love. I will miss you, and, I want that real bad.

Amber: Dude, you have gone before me. I know how the pain will be real, and is real for us both. I know we will make it. I miss you, and I know that God's doing big things in you. Hang in there.

Molly Flynn: Keep up the Instagators.

Chris: The purple dress looks good on you. ;) I love you Sabrina. Never lose your humor, and stick with Jesus, He's the coolest.

Jac-Atac: My best friend, what will I do without you? Please, stay just like you are. I told a certain someone to take care of you for me. I'm sure he will. If you need me, I am only a phone call away. I love you.

Mrs. Williamson: Some days have been rough for the two of us, but you are a compassionate heart. Thank you for being who you are.

Al: Ha, hey dad, you rock my world. I'll miss you.... and I know I bring this up alot, but, I really did love dancing with you. Keep that humor.

Jason: MCDONALD'S SUX! LOL. Let GOd continue to change your life. I want to see lots of progress when I come home. OH, and You're HOTT!

Tim: You are my better half. I will miss you the most of all. I love you. I'll see ya when I get back. Hang in there. Your sister is almost as good, right?

Thanks everybody!


Blogger jac-atac said...

Thanks, Bobbie, you're a sweetie. I heard you tell Ryan to take care of me. I was in the bathroom! HA! But I will miss you! Hopefully I won't be in dreadful need of a midnight walk while you are gone, but if I am...I'll...pray?? :S

6:40 AM

Blogger [ brooke ] said...

We miss you already! Have a safe trip to Texas! Keep in touch! Go to my blog! Call me! E-mail me!

1:04 PM

Blogger [ brooke ] said...

THAT PIC IS SO HOT. It's dark though. -_-

1:04 PM

Blogger Jason said...

Wait...why did you say Matt Hagsten for Chelsea's thing, but anyways thanks, and I hope you have fun in Dallas, you will be having alot of vistors from New Orleans pretty soon in Texas, I hope you get to help with relief aid and stuff Bobbie, well miss you.

4:17 PM

Blogger The Lord works! You should, too... said...

I hate that you're gone and you have to promise to blog all the time. I cant believe you told Jason he was hott. Even tho he is. Love ya and you better be back at vaca!

8:42 PM


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