I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, February 20, 2006

In love with the Master

Falling in love with Jesus.
I'm reading this book by Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli called "Falling in love with Jesus"
It's an amazing book. It talks about how God wants to love you more than anything itself, and if you put Him first, and focus on Him, He will become your bridegroom. Put Him before the bills, before the boys, and focus. You will fall more in love with him, than with anything else. Here's a little exerpt:

Once we have trusted Jesus with the wounds of our life, we have begun nour move toward mature love. This is not perfectlove, but a strong and steady love. Nor does this meant hat life will now be easy. Instead, we will continue to have trouble. Jesus promised no that life would be easy but that He would be with us. He said: In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! Ihave overcome the world. (John 16:33b)
How has He overcome the world if we still struggle with disease, failed relationships, and our own sin nature? I (Kathy) made the choice to give my life to Jesus in 1978. And I'll often say: Has life been rosy? Has it been smoothy sailing ahead?
But those aren't the right questions. The right questions are
Has God been sovereign? Has He been a Keeper of His Word? Has He been trustworthy? Has He been faithful? "Yes! Yes!" Always, a resounding "Yes."
We often ask:
Why are my circumstances so difficult?
We should ask:
Is God in my circumstances?
Is He capable of giving me peace, hope, and perspective?
Again, of course, "Yes." He is our Prince who comes through. Paul put it like this:
We are handicapped on all side, but we are never frustrated; we are puzzled, but never in despair. We are persecuted, but we never have to stand it alone; we may be knocked down but we are never knocked out! Every day we experience something of the death of Jesus, so that we may also know the power of the life of Jesus in these bodies of ours... We know sorrow, yet our joy is inextinguishable. (2Corinthians 4:8-11; 6:10a)
Paul reached the stage of invincible love. How did he get there? He was absolutely convinced that the One to whom he had committed himself was able to do what He had promised.

Hey, I just want to encourage you guys to fall deeper in love with the Creator. Take the plunge. It's a blast!
Love you all!

Mardi Gras!

Now, we are rushing around trying to get everything ready for Mardi Gras! Human videos, dances, speaking, praying. Man! Let me tell you, the preparation is starting to make my head spin!
THEN, what I'm also excited about is that on March fifth, my home group, and another home group are getting together, and going to ci ci's pizza and then to a movie! WOOHOO! should be a blast! ESPECIALLY with amber shain here! 13 DAYS AMBER!!!!!!!
I can't wait. Life has been sooooooo crazy! But, God is faithful.
Until another time,

Sunday, February 12, 2006

MC Conference

Hey everybody!
We have spent the last four days in Pheonix AZ at a conference for Master's students... Kinda like youth convention! It was ALOT of fun! God did alot in my life during the conference. I am learning so much! I am working on praying the blood of Jesus over my life; proclaiming the possitive over my life.
The church the conference was at was HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! SO MANY PEOPLE! IT's sanctuary holds 7,000 people at least!
I felt like I ate more grease than I ever have. We had fast food the whole time.. SICK!
My life is going to be super busy for the next FOREVER!!!!!!
I have a conference this week, then mardi gras, then AMBER SHAIN IS COMING!!!!!!! WOOT! And, the day before AMber comes, I have a youth retreat to help with... FUn fun!
My Grandparents are down here right now! YAY! It's tons of fun! I can't wait to see them! I'm driving two hours tonight to go to see them.
I wish I could think of more to say, but my life has been so busy, there is no way I can seperate it.
I have some pictures of the trip to show ya'll!
I'll have to put them up some other time though! sorry!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Hey Guys! I hope everything is going well with you!
Today we had the annual football tournament for seven! It was pretty fun! I am SO SORE!!!!!!!!!! But, I got two cool T-shirts out of the deal.
It was cool to watch the different teams with who had the good attitudes and who had to bad attitudes. Sadly, my boys were not quite on the good attitude side of things. But, I watched this team go all the way to winning the championship. They were really good, and they had good attitudes. We also played them. It was so much fun, because even though we lost, their good attitudes kept us smiling. As I watched their games, every team that they beat would sit on the sidelines at every game and cheer for them. It really showed that good sportsmanship keeps everyone happy. Super inspiring. Makes me a little less than happy with my boys... But, someday, they will learn...
Also, my cell phone got shut off, so if any of you have been trying to call me, I'm sorry. I'm two hundred dollars away from getting it turned back on. SO, I'll talk to you in two hundred dollars. LOL.
Love you all!