Ok. Here is just three hours of one of my days of late.
I got ready for the day a little later than I anticipated.. Like, six-thirty late. (it was our day off) I hop in my car, drive over to the guys house to pick up the guys. Run out of the house, slip and fall right behind my car. Sprained ankle. (size of a tennis ball) Hobble home to get something, slip and fall again. (Same ankle.) Get to Wal*Mart. I tried to find something to wear for the night on the town we were supposed to have the next night. Well, NO LUCK! SO! I go out to my car to find that my CD player has been RIPPED out of my dash board by some lousy hick who decided to leave his dip (chewing tabacco) all over my floor! Not to mention that my friend's cell phone was ALSO in my car and ALSO got stolen. I was not in Dallas. I was in a city SMALLER than mine. Normally, cities SMALLER than mine are safe.. Well, I learned my lesson! The next thing that took place is that I waited for an hour for a police man to show up. He FINALLY got there just to take a five minute report, and drive off, leaving me with a poor ripped apart car. Sigh.
The one good thing about the three hours is that I had a box office ticket to see the Chronicles of Narnia. (Day before opening) SO, I got to go to that. Free by the way. And, I met an Eddie Bauer model. (Very pretty boy... Made me sick)
Yup. All of this happened in three hours. Fun night let me tell you.... SIGH