I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas Time

The snow is falling gracefully down on the frozen tundra; it sparkles in the light of the newly risen moon. Sounds of Christmas carols fill the evening air and drift ever so softly to the awaiting ears. The wind is brisk as Jack Frost draws beautiful designs on the window panes of every house. It picks up speed as it changes direction, blowing a scarf over a cheerful young child's face. The smell of a pine tree, - freshly cut - sitting in a lot waiting to be bought and decorated for the Christmas holiday. Glittering with tinsel, bulbs, beads, and gadgets; to be adorned with packages underneath its branches. Families filled with laughter and love, spreading holiday cheer and the joy of Christ's coming, gather together. The warmth and aroma of freshly baked cookies, pies, and casseroles from every aunt, uncle, grandma and grandpa joining in the celebration. Where my Christmas began is in a setting like this, full of love, laughter, and joy. I love my home in Minnesota. I miss all of you who are a part of it.
But, here I am... In Dallas.. It was seventy yesterday... Out in my shorts and a T-shirt. It stinks.. Let me tell you. LOL> LOVe you guys!


Blogger SuperStar said...

Hey! Yes, I did write it all on my own.. and Yes, Ms. B is an AWESOME teacher. LOL! Thanks for the compliment!

8:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey huN!~ i'm so excited to see you during christmas break! we have so much to talk about. i know that Christ has done some true miracles in my life and in yours. i love you SO much! see you soooon =)
~ justine

p.s. maddie showed me some camp pics of u and her. crazy how i live NEXT DOOR to mn girl who just so happens to be your good friend. God is so awesome!

5:44 PM


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