Yay! The computer is working again!
So, I don't have my interview until next Monday, because both times we set up the interview, their computers were down, and I have fine arts this weekend..... Speaking of fine arts, I am almost feeling like the whole thing has been a waste of my time, and an annoyance. Obviously, I am going to try my hardest because I have promised to, but different circumstances have really made me feel like this is just pointless. BUT, It's all about me right.??????? :( UGH. WELL! Life sometimes has some really entertaining turns, don't you think? Like, giving up for example, it's really easy to get frustrated, and to leave everything. I have wanted to give up before, but, As 2 Corinthians 1 sa ys, if one is weak, aren't others called to be strong? That is the way it seems to work. Well, I gotta be going.