I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


OK. So, the choir concert was tonight.
I spent a week and a half on learning this song. I thought, we shouldnt be doing this, we arent ready, and we arent gonna sound good... They tell me to stop being so negative, so, we try. I add another stress to my life to get everyone off my back. I am a second year jazz group member. I worked my butt off to get here. She kicked me off the song because my dance partner wasnt there. Not a first year, nope.. not aa soprano... NOPE. Me. so, there were four sopranos, and one alto. Just to mention is sound like poop. So, I guess it didn't go over so well with me. but enough for now.. Later.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

LiFe.... Or Is It?

Lately, I have completely felt like life as I know it has gone down the tubes...
I have been running around so busy, feeling as if God has had NOTHING to say to help me.
Worrying about where I am goign to college, crazy parents, Non-Christian Co-workers and just a bunch of other *crap*........
For the last couple of months actually, I have asked for guidance, and felt like I haven't gotten any. God knows better though.. I have found that I am slowly finding that out too... That I can't do anything without His help, and His plan is better.
This weekend I went to winter retreat, and He spent alot of time just telling me to stop stressing, use my time to minister to others, and that He will take care of family, and college, and everything.
It's so nice to have a great God that you can cast all of your burdens on.
For now,

LiFe.... Or Is It?