I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

About time

I think it's about time to write another post!
I just want to send a thanks to SHAINERZ for actually READING my blog! hahaha! I know I have been slacking, and I want to apologize... I just seems like there's not much to write about in this mundaneness I'm in.

Today, I got a new book to read (borrowed from our young adults pastor, Paul Hurckman --Ex teacher at NCU--)
It's called Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell!
I'm really excited to read it! It will be very good! Yay!

Also, I was having a weird day, and was very loud, and crazy all day! I laughed alot today. I totally needed it! Thank God for laughter.

I have been thinking about prayer alot... And how effective it really is to pray. God likes to answer us when we pray! It's like having a conversation with the creator of the universe! I don't know about you, but it makes me feel special to know that He hears and answers me! If I can remember to ask God for deliverance for people, and to pray diligently for the needs of others, He WILL hear me... WHy is it that so many people forget to pray, when it could only do them good?

A dear friend stepped back into my life this week! I haven't talked to him in forever! It was so good to hear his voice,and get to talk with him! Yay! God blesses us in so many ways! I made a pact that I wouldn't lose contact with him again! Hopefully, I stick to it. :)

I live with a family now, instead of in the dorms. It's such a blessing and an answer to prayer! I have needed this rest and relaxation! NO DRAMA! Praise God!
They are amazing!
They have a daughter (17)
Another daughter (13)
and a son (8)
We have a hot tub and a pool. I have been in the hot tub a couple times now.. Tis amazing!

Anyways, I think that's it for now..
Oh.. SOmetimes, my funniness makes me laugh Hahaha!

Friday, January 19, 2007



Sunday, January 07, 2007

Britches and Monster Trucks

Well, the drive down to Dallas was QUITE entertaining...
We experienced many things... I don't have time to write them now...
But, it was good. :)
When Justine leaves, I will have a little more time to elaborate.
She leaves tomorrow afternoon. I'm gonna miss her... And every experience that goes along with her...
BUt, I will see her in June... Just like the REST of you Hibbing FOOLS. HA!
(Just kidding... You aren't fools)