I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

For My Cousin

So, today I decided to see if anyone has payed attention to the loss of postage lately. For my cousin (and my cousin alone, for she is the only one that noticed) I am writing this post.
Well, I got a job. I start work on Monday. I officially do prep work in the kitchen of Valentini's of Chisholm. It is a supper club. I will be working from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon five days a week. I'm excited. I can't wait to see how God uses me in this work place.
I have to admit, I have not been doing the best lately, but I am constantly reminded by the testimony of what God has done in my life, that my life is worth more; I need to strive for what I KNOW I'm called to live for. (If that makes sense.)
Today my mom had me up and running and eight o' clock in the morning,and I didn't stop until 11:30 at night. Of course, I was only "running" for her until 5:30. But, I had an over all good day.
I spent some time at the school, and I now know I could DEFINITELY NEVER be a teacher. They are constantly having to give A THOUSAND kids attention. I couldn't do it. I get overwhelmed so easily. LIttle kids are so trusting.. Big HugI barely knew some of them and they ran up to me and gave me BIG HUGS. Hahaha. SO CUTE.
My friend Amber and I (along with a few others here and there) have been walking once a day on the weekdays.. I think if we stay dedicated, it might help us lose weight. I know that I FEEL great! And I sleep better! It gives me a chance to unwind. NOT TO MENTION I love spending time with my friend Amber. Her life blesses mine so much!!!!
Anyways, that's all for now!
Hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'll be HOME soon! I graduate in four days!!!!! WOOT WOOT!
I will be seeing you all VERY VERY SOON!
Love ya'll!