I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Mickey Kelly

Since the last time I have posted, many new things have happened.
One of my closest friends has passed away, leaving me with questions of whether or not it was fair, and whether God had the right.
Of course, He had the right.. He is God.
Then I think of how much he meant to me, and how much I miss him, and just say it isn't fair.
Slowly I am getting better,a nd it's getting easier to deal with considering I can do nothing to change it. But by golly, if I could do something to change it, I would. If it was God's will for him to live, I would go to his grave and raise him out of it. But, I know that he is with God, and that to bring him back here would not show him that I love him, but show him that I am selfish, and want him in my life, more than I want him to enjoy the presence of the Father.
Students here are taking it pretty badly. Some of his best friends think they will never see him again. It really stinks to see them like that. If they believed in God, He would bring peace.
Mickey's life was unlike any other I have ever come to know. He showed love in every situation, and I live now by his example. I should've been an all loving Christian before, always making everyone laugh, and everyone smile, but it took Mickey's death to truly and deeply understand the meaning of our time here.... To reach out, and make sure others can know the Creator.
His parents love God,a nd everyday, I pray that God is bringing them an overabundance of joy and comfort. If you read this, please, pray also for them in their loss..
For now,