I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Hey everybody!
I just spent the last four days, LITERALLY - except for sleeping - at the races. It was great! It was Drag Racing Nationals, and they had it at the motorplex in Ennis, which is twenty minutes from where I live.
I worked at the concession stands. (The only reason why I know how to spell concessions is that it was plastered on the shirt I had to wear for four-teen hours a day). Anyways, it was fun... But, there were drunk guys everywhere, and alot of hitting on being done.. Not too fun.. But, hey, we got paid for it. I got to eat a TURKEY LEG! Just the most hick delicassie (nope, can't spell that) ever invented. SUPERB! Yeah, I don't think I have ever been around more hicks in my life. It was crazy.... What else? OH! I get to go to Louisiana for four days.. Just to help out with the hurricane victims.. That will be fun, but I'm sure I will be exhausted... AND- SIGH, nothing else guys. Thank you to all of you who called me the other day, that made me feel special, and I was surprised that you all miss me so much. Thanks I love you.


Blogger JC said...

Sounds like you were super busy. I'm so glad you got paid for working that concession stand.

7:42 PM

Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Oi, that was a crazy phone call. Glad you are doing well. (:

3:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!!!! Turkey legs rule!!!

8:29 AM


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