I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Hey Ya'll!!!!!!!!

Hey... SO! I am in Dallas, TX!
It's our second day of orientation today!
I'm having a blast!
Soon, I will be sending you a list of the reasons why the south is SO DIFFERENT from the north.. But, for now, I just thought I would say hi. I love you all and I miss you.
I get a cell phone today.. I'll give you guys the number, but it will be a Dallas number.
Talk to you later!


Blogger Chels said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad you got there alright! Wow, this is weird. Miss you!

8:52 PM

Blogger Shainerz said...

So glad to hear that you made it there okay and that you are already having fun! miss you. I have since August 17 :(
Keep on havin fun.
I think it's funny that you can actually say "ya'll" without people saying "what..are you from the south or something?"

8:38 AM

Blogger jac-atac said...

Hope you call me tonight! And I hope I won't be too busy so I can actually answer and talk!!!

11:54 AM

Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Dude! Give me the number! I MISS YOU A BUTTLOAD. Me and my braces, that is.

1:30 PM

Blogger Jason said...

Sweet, how is Tx, have you seen any refugees from Louisiana, Is it really Poluted in Dallas I heard that it was. I bet its really hot down there too

7:43 PM

Blogger JC said...

hey BJ! Glad you are safe and sound and I'm really glad you have a computer where you can post.

Everything's BIG in TEXAS!

12:12 PM

Blogger SuperStar said...

Hey Jenni Clair! I love you.. I miss you.. You are awesome....

4:16 PM


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