I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


I just spent the weekend in Wisconsin for a family reunion!
It was fun! I brought my boyfriend along and of course everyone realized how BIG that was... It was funnny.... I spent alot of my time with little kids and Tim....
I have three cousins on my d ad's side thta I have never really thought of before as cousins.. its just so hard to think of them as that when I only see them once every three years... It's such a bummer...
But, that's all that I have been up to lately.. Oh!
I hope to rid myself of Taco John's and go work elsewhere.
I have applied at the "Y" Lucky Seven, and the Range Center.
Hopefully, I will get both jobs.. that would be a blast. I certaintly could use the money.


Blogger [ brooke ] said...

I hope you get the jobs. Down with the Taco John's! I like their food, but, you know..

8:22 AM


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