I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Well, for the last three days, I have been quarenteened to my house. The other day, (who knows which one, since they all ran together with me laying in bed ALL DAY) I was sick of laying in my bed, so I took a blanket laid it on the lawn, and slept outside for some time, in seventy degree weather. Talk about a nice winter day.
I have decided that I refuse to be sick, and I'm going to take hold of my healing. NO more sick for me. I can't afford to be sick. I'm way to busy.
So, I'm sitting at this computer, typing to all of you, and praying my way through the day.
I have lost some weight, (YAY) and need some new pants. Hmmm. I don't know how that's gonna work, but ok.
ANswer to prayer: I'm getting my car fixed today for FREE! God is amazing and is continuing to bless me even when I don't deserve it! Well, I need to work on studying, so I'll talk to ya'll later!


Blogger Shainerz said...

Keep getting skinnier Jobbie Woah... see if I'm jealous! hahaha you're already skinny enough...are you sure you can afford to lose anymore? That rocks though. Not that you're sick, but that God's blessing you so much. One blessing after another. You deserve it!

4:50 PM


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