I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So, I leave Friday for Texas! Pray for me.. Cuz, I'm still gonna be in pain and on drugs... SO... Should be interesting.. Sigh.. But I'm excited to go! I'll miss every body here though... Ya'll are family!
Love ya'll.


Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Hey there, just wanted to drop in and say hi, from one BS2 fan to another. :-D

8:30 AM

Blogger jac-atac said...

Hope u had a good trip, Jo...some guy u drove down there with said u wouldn't let him drive! U must have been stoked that u were driving your new car!

Luv u

3:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HUGE hugs and prayers as you start your second year of Master's Commission!! You are an inspiration to me - we pastor types always like to see "our" kids from camps, kids' church, etc. grow up and still be serving God :o). Hope you survived the big, bad mines over the summer...

9:09 AM

Blogger Shainerz said...

I hope you had a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday!

10:11 PM


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