I am in love with Jesus; constantly finding ways to get closer to Him. He romances me and is patient with me, even when I stray.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Stealing of Grace

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if there was not grace?

When we do something stupid, we know that God has given us grace to be redeemed. Right?

Ok... So, in a way, we do something stupid, and then "whoops, oh! I'm so glad I can ask God for forgiveness!"

If there was no grace for screw ups, how much would people screw up? And how much more careful would we all be to live right?

Do you think we would all have more self control? Maybe? At least a little bit more?

Are we taking advantage of grace by using it as a scape goat, rather than remembering that it's only there to help us because we are merely human, and will make mistakes? Because, if we thought of grace as a last resort... Something we didn't want to use more than we had to, because we love God SO MUCH that to use His grace would be almost like a slap in the face. To become so weak that we stopped relying on Him and began relying on ourselves and started sinning, then to crawl on our knees completely remorseful of our deed, and BEG for His grace. And to receive it only by His mercy, and to our great relief.

Rather than making it no big deal. Something we just have to do, and stealing God's grace by not trying hard enough to do what is right.

Should we be using more self control? Should we be relying on Him for our every move, as to not sin?

Just think about it...

Ok.. so.. I don't know if this makes sense.. but, it's what my brain has been cranking on.


Blogger jac-atac said...

love ya jo-bob!

3:27 PM


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